Instead of going to the doctor, we self-diagnose. Sadly, many of us have taken this saying from a T-shirt and made it a mantra for any type of pain.
By dismissing your pain, you are blatantly disregarding your health and well-being. If you have unexplained pain, your body is signaling to you to pay attention. Chronic pain should not be ignored or equated with being weak; we should not be ashamed that we experience pain. Lupus has had me curled up in a ball in the ER on more occasions than I care to speak about, has had me lying in bed barely able to move in tears and sometimes, it has hurt to cry.
But I need to remember that pain and express my rejection of the view that it is the same as being weak. To admit that there is something wrong and to seek help are signs of strength. Learn to listen to your body; it wants to be happy and healthy. If you ignore its signals and make excuses you are not making things better; you are allowing the problem to continue unchecked which could cause it to worsen.
Something is wrong. Note: Lupus News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis , or treatment.
This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis , or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Besides toughening you up and making you physically stronger, one of the main purposes of the bone crushing marine training is to break down your psyche, in order for you to follow every order given.
As a positive turn to the psychological propaganda, modern fitness influencers and instructors have adopted the proverb in order to motivate people to workout. While you should still never push yourself to experience excruciating pain, some suffering is usually required during exercise to see results, hence showing a positive side of the expression.
Jun 29, PM. Kim books view quotes. May 22, AM. Tom 3, books view quotes. Chuy 0 books view quotes. Apr 03, PM. Delontre 0 books view quotes. Feb 13, AM. Sarah 0 books view quotes. Dec 06, AM. Ike 0 books view quotes. Nov 18, PM. Blythe books view quotes. Nov 02, PM. Pain is weakness leaving the body If you punch a tree over and over again every day for a few years your hand wont be broken unless you punched TOO hard.
Instead, it will be toughed , and calloused , and you will be able to take far more pain. When a problem in life is emotionally painful you are emotionally scarred.