Some of the light particles make red light, others green light, others blue light. In fact, they make up all the colours in the rainbow. When all of the light particles of different colours mix, they make white light.
Clouds are made of little drops of water and, if it is cold enough, little crystals of ice and beautiful snowflakes. Compared to light particles, the cloud drops are huge! Because the drops of water are much bigger than the waves of the light particles, they bounce all the different colours together to make white light.
That is why some clouds look white. You also asked why some clouds are grey? When a cloud grows bigger, all the water drops and ice crystals bump into each other, stick together and become bigger. Eventually, they get so big and the cloud so tall that not all of the light particles can get through the cloud. This is just like your shadow, where you are stopping some of the light from reaching the ground. That is when the cloud becomes grey.
To put it another way, rain is actually gravity in motion. This is called evaporation. As it cools, it clumps together. This is how clouds are formed.
When the clouds become too heavy or full, and when other things happen with the winds and air in the atmosphere, gravity causes the rain to fall from the sky.
Depending on the temperature of the surface and the air nearest the surface of the earth, rain can also be:. Hail is rain that gets caught in the high upper atmosphere winds of a storm and is pushed up to colder air. When it does, it forms into balls of ice that are too heavy to stay in the atmosphere, so they fall to the ground.
Hail can be as small as a pea or as large as a grapefruit. It can hail even when it is hot outside because the ice balls are formed so high up in the air. The rain waters the Earth and refills streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans and provides the moisture trees and plants use to make their food.
The water in the oceans is home to millions of sea creatures and the water in the streams, rivers, and lakes is home to fresh-water fish and other water animals. There is only a partial water cycle: water is delivered to the ground by precipitation while it is retained as clouds in the sky and falls over and through the land.
This is one of the reasons why the earth is cold in winter and warm in summer. Water escapes into the atmosphere and land sinks due to evaporation. Learn more about volcanoes below. Volcanoes can erupt. Ash and lava shoot out of a volcano. Lava is hot. It flows…. On Earth Day, people all around the world help the planet. But you can help the planet anytime. Recycling is an important way to do this. Do you recycle? Read on to learn more about it.
What Can I Recycle? This Earth Day, why not make a compost bin? Put some soil in a plastic bin or tub. Add leaves and twigs. Moisten with water. Now you can add scraps of fruits and vegetables. You can also add coffee grounds…. February 9, Read Aloud En Espanol Print.