Why is implementation important in strategy

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Primary category: Finance. Strategy is the way how things are done in a company, about values and measures at work, chosen markets and goods produced and even when leaders do not think actively about strategy themselves — their company still have one, although not always a self-chosen one cf. Nagel et al. Then strategy implementation is the process of turning strategies into real actions in order to accomplish strategic objectives and goals. Implementing a strategic plan is even more important, than the strategy development process itself.

However, the leaders neglect the topic of strategy implementation as they refer to it as a purely operational task and therefore delegable, less interesting and not important. Most strategy execution programs miss timelines, run over budget and deliver disappointing — if any — outcomes for all stakeholders. DeLisi , p. This paper is focusing on the challenges while implementing a strategy.

It gives a guideline in form of a checklist for a successful strategy implementation. It is a helpful outline for executives, leaders and managers as it simplifies the strategy implementation process and helps to make sure, the strategy is implemented properly at every decision level.

The objective of this paper is to give an overview of the most important issues while implementing a strategy and the proposition of a checklist for successful strategy implementation. In chapter one there will be given an outline of issues which are leading to failing of strategy processes. This includes the key issues of failing of strategy processes in companies in general and the deficits of leadership in this process in special.

Then the chances and limitations of the balanced scorecard as a tool for strategy implementation will be discussed. In chapter two, the key factors of strategy implementation will be derived.

In the first place two approaches will be introduced: the intuitive approach and the concept of Wheelen and Hunger. The third chapter is a short empirical study of the main issues which have executive to face while implementing a strategy.

It serves as a practice relevance check of the issues discussed before. The fourth chapter gives a summary of the key factors for strategy implementation. The in chapter four presented checklist contains insides from literature review, empirical study and common knowledge and aims the support of leadership and management by strategy implementation. Finally, there will be given an outlook about how to perfect strategy communication with regard to strategy implementation.

In this chapter an overview of the most important causes of strategy implementation failure will be given. In chapter 1. Here are to highlight topics like: fear of losing position and influence and lack of strategy acceptance and therefore lack of commitment.

Moreover, power struggles between stakeholders cause conflict potentials and instability. Furthermore, inadequate planning and preparation is one of the main causes of strategy implementation failure. In figure 2 and 3 can be found a variety of reasons for failing strategy processes. Following, at four key aspects will be looked more closely. Planning is often seen as an annoying task and is being readily skipped or rushed through if only possible.

Time lines and resources are then aligned by the rule of thumb without a feasibility check, just for the sake of having a plan cf. Although that is not the rule, it is a quiet of an issue as one important part of the planning effort is to check the availability of resources as knowledge and manpower as well as financial funds are essential while implementing a strategy.

Furthermore, it has to be verified, if some external resources e. In some cases, the second best strategic alternative will be a better choice when it can be implemented successfully cf. The best proof of implementation planning feasibility is to check the requirements and discuss them with all stakeholders in advance cf.

A scorecard is one tool used by many organizations that incorporates progress tracking and milestones. To reinforce the importance of focusing on strategy and vision, reward success. Develop some creative positive and negative consequences for achieving or not achieving the strategy.

The rewards may be big or small, as long as they lift the strategy above the day-to-day so people make it a priority. Implementing your plan includes several different pieces and can sometimes feel like it needs another plan of its own.

Use the steps below as your base implementation plan. Great article , I am an MBA student from kenya and am intending to research on factors that influence the implementaton of strategic plans in kenyan schools.

Any idea on the relevant objectives and theories for my theoretical review and framework will be highly appreciated. The article has been of invaluable use to me. I would like to get more articles on strategic Management since I have done an Undergraduate degree in Strategic Management. Good outline. Shorter-term plans, subsidiary plans, budgets, functional assignments, and job descriptions need to support this broader set of goals and objectives.

There needs to be regular, ongoing communication and updates. Thanks but can you assist more on why in most cases the strategic planning is regarded as a meaningless ,trivial and mundane ritual in organisations.

This is a very valuable piece. You helped me understand strategic planning and implementation much better. Thanks so much. Your Website. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

A FREE downloadable guide to learn the basics of Key Performance Indicators with example metric sources for ever department of your organization. Agile Implementation. Implementation Process. More Like this. This allows leaders to identify if the implemented strategy remains relevant to the organization. As firms operate in more dynamic environments, changes may occur at any time. It is essential to review and change policies that no longer serve a distinct purpose. Strategic implementation is essential to pushing organizations towards their bigger objectives.

To make significant improvements, behaviours and processes need to be universally adopted. We take a brand-aligned approach to create sustainable performance and enable long-term improvements. Contact us today for a consultation! Understanding the Strategic Implementation Process.

September 1, Read on for a guide to understanding the strategic implementation process. Strategy Implementation: A Step-by-Step Process There are several steps involved in the strategic implementation process.

Strategic implementation relies on a few factors, including: People: Do you have enough people to implement the strategy? Are these people the best candidates? You need your current employees to demonstrate the required skills and competencies. Resources: This refers both to financial and non-financial support. Structure: The organizational structure should be clear-cut, with leadership and authority established. Each member knows who they are accountable to and who they are responsible for.


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