Some of the NPCs for fights enter there. The North Door is for the Dungeon, the East Door is for the raid, and the South door is for decoration and has a closed portcullis. Ahh, thank you very much! I found the proper entrances now. I was inside the big round tent, looking at the portals through lowered portcullis. The arguments are getting quite annoying. Comment by Toxiciity Minimum Level to enter is Comment by The first encounter is bugged.
The threat is very weird when they all dismount, and it's a common thing throughout all servers I play on to zone out after dismounting. I'm not sure what Blizzard designed this to do, but even when they burst down my Mount, and I fall off, every single Mounted enemy in the room will target the person that isn't on a Mount and kill them.
Stop deleting my posts, this is true. Comment by SeabeastRivin The first encounter is bugged. Comment by Iceleaf For its own reasons Argent Lance and faction lance is unique. Therefore you must have it with you or you wont be able to get it from the Lance rack. If you left it in your bank you just need to fetch it or let someone get it for you to mount up.
It is essencital that you use this when the Shaman is about to Chain Heal, stopping this can make the fight last around 20 seconds shorter. And for heals on the Erik fight, I always have my back turn to him. Only time I turn around is when I use Penneace. Comment by Does anyone else find that Blizzard has gave up on hunters? Same with other Heroics, Other gear drops constantly and Hunter gear never drops, And there is also less Hunter gear than other clasess in Heroics.
None of what i just said apply's for raids but you need Heroic gear to get into a raid! Klingerjesse- Elune. Comment by i was hoping 4 some help i am geared with all but 3 things from N ToC i am a DK in frost 4 tanking and dps and im pulling anywere from1.
Comment by cms2k Requires level 75 to enter the instance on regular mode. Which maybe a quote from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion when you finish and arena match the announcer says "Go now and rest: you've earned it! Comment by Babetastic This is a great place to acquire gear to be equipped upon hitting level It beats the heck out of farming 10 man Naxx and as I said, it can be done multiple times a day.
This is also a great place to farm Abyss Crystals if your guild needs them and you've got some extra time on your hands to spend piddle-farting around in TOC!
Comment by chz A good thing to point out is that, yet again, there is next to no resto shaman gear. And I can say AS a resto shaman that I have seen countless times tanks come and go after getting gear simply and an infinite amount of dps that get all of their gear for essentially free for practically doing nothing. Guess I know now why shaman go enhancement. Comment by Wuppy Another tip, for 5 man hc probably works at normal to, but not tested.
It is possible to reset the instance before you are saved and get another random first group. So if you want to get an easy first group, set to hc, run in, get lance, mount and talk to elf; wait for introduction to end and see what bosses are on the mounts.
If you don't like them, run out, reset and run in. Mount, talk to elf and see what for grp you get. The first mount group will run to the center and wait till you attack; so just stand at the side. Once you have a nice first group, you can start inviting ppl and hopefully have an easy run.
I took me 10 minutes to get shaman, hunter and mage; which was much better then the initial group of rogue, warrior and shaman. Comment by annerajb "Yo Tririon i am really happy for you and i will let you finish your long intro scene. But Kaelthas had one of the longest and most boring intro scenes of all times.
The entire 15 Minutes of your time is worth: Reputation! Comment by What does your dps have to be at to run heroic? The normal 1. Comment by Aelfthryth As of patch 3. When you right click on Arelas Brightstar, you now have two options: "I am ready. However I'd like to skip the pageantry. Comment by There are two very helpful changes to this in 3. This saves several tedious minutes. It's no longer necessary to run out to reset them. Comment by The loot is obviously aimed so all will benefit but healers, especially close to none loot for trees.
Comment by Didn't see it in any of the previous comments, so: If possible, try to have a shaman in the party either as DPS or Healing, doesn't matter which. If you're unlucky enough to get the Confessor, the Waking Nightmare she summons likes to Fear.
A tremor totem is exceedingly useful for shutting that down, especially since you need to be focusing as much DPS on that thing as possible. I did at least a dozen runs yesterday, and Confessor only spawned once. Comment by Revrant Hope to God you aren't as horrifically unlucky as I am with this instance, I've come to hate it with a passion after initially loving it, 13 runs and 6 7 if I count the Mask with no Rogues upgrades.
Not a god damned single one has dropped after 13 days, and everywhere I look people are toting around True Aim rifles and the shoulders and the amulet, and I have squat. This guy right here is about to turn into Eeyore. Comment by After spending the past two days working to get the full set of tanking gear, here are the strategies I've noticed that will be helpful to horde warrior tanks in reg ToC: All bosses in this instance are disarmable, with the sole exceptions of Paletress's adds and Stage 3 Black Knight.
Encounter 1: Champions: This fight is farely straightforward, simply tank all three bosses. You'll want to use Heroic throw on any casters, and then charge in. You'll want to make sure the warrior or rogue boss is disarmed as often as possible. Shield bash the casters, especially Colosos as he heals himself and his fellows. Order of importance for kill sequence goes: Colosos Hunter Mage warrior rogue assuming you are watching for poison ground carefully, and have intelligent dps who follow you Encounter 2: The 1st part of these fights are both the same -- kill the adds, activate the encounter.
Start from the left facing the boss and go right, this will help you to line up adds for shockwave, as you wont have to turn around to face the mobs after you've charged the priestess.
Killsequence will be Priestess, Lightwielder, Monk. Regular drill for multi-tanking, my reccomendation is to save disarm for the lightwielder, as you wont have time to get in a disarm on both the proestess and lightwielder, and the monk has no weapon. Shield bash the heals only, dont worry about the lightwell. Eadric: Tank and spank. Your first priority should be to disarm him, as from what I've seen he can't throw his hammer while disarmed.
Paletress: Stage 1: Burn her down, bash the first spell you see, as she doesnt heal at all in this stage. Immune to stuns. Stage 2: Berserker Rage will not eat the add summon period Confession? Hold onto to it until you see the add begin to cast, and then pop it. You should be able to get them both in with perfect timing, as the CD on Rage is the time in between fears. Once the add is summoned, dont even think about Paletress. The add is TnS other than the fears, just a lot of HP to go through, and all adds are immune to stuns and disarm; they deal shadow damage if you want to base a defense on that.
Stage 3: Once again, burn her down. Use this time to get your party further away from him than you are. A real nice convenience to note is that his threat rolls over in between stages. Stage 1: After he kills the announcer, begin spamming taunt on the Black Knight. Pop disarm right off the bat, but not more than once during stage 1, you'll want it for stage 2. Once you've collected as many as you can, get back to the knight, establish some threat, and then pop Challenging Shout. You ought not to have had to used this yet, and something to note is that the cooldown will be done once you run this again Shockwave all the adds, single target the Black knight.
Taunt any adds that run away, however dont directly attack them. You should have overhead health bars displayed, and start moving once you begin to see the explode.
You might be able to eat it, but melee dps can't. Stage 3: In his lich form, the BK is immune to disarm, so don;t worry about it. His melee attacks also become a lot of magic, so armor mitigation won't do you anything here, nor will demo shout.
Use spell reflect, i haven't proven that it works, but im pretty sure it ought to work much like the last boss in UP does. Burn him down, kill him. Hope this has helped you guys, and I promise all the work is worth it. There's some really nice tank gear in here, and the drop rates are actually rather good. Praetorianis, Horde Warrior Onyxia. Comment by until now Crusader's Coliseum Trial of Champions and Trial of Crusaders are the best instances at all and they drop cool epics and armor tokens Comment by lol the stuff u want from toc hc never drop when u need it Comment by Tip to all tanks: Tank the bosses near the entrance portal It gives time to healers if ever they die to come back and get a instant cast heal on you to put you up a little.
It could be a total life saver. Comment by quick question, do you if you are lvl 80 do u need to be geared or can you do it with just blues and greens? Comment by Anyone notice Highlord Tirion yells: Go now and rest; you've earned it.
Oblivion refrence? Comment by As far as I can tell, Regular Trial of the Champion requires a gear score rating on in order to unlock it with the new Dungeon seeking system. So for all those new 80's wondering why you can not instantly join it try buying a few pieces off your servers AH that are a high item level and see if you can get it unlocked then.
Comment by pandaren how much hp would u say a tank needs to start tanking this place on regular? Comment by phoi Did it get a serious buff for 3. Comment by Wolke Could I tank this ini on heroic with this gear?
At least it is not possible at Comment by hogue It seems final boss phase 3 damage lesser if you closer to boss. Had very bad times as warlock or hunter dying or finishing near death standing in yards range. Comment by Bigghammer Tirion's statement at the end "Go now and rest, You've earned it. Comment by Hoochie You need lvl 75 to enter the instance nonheroic ofc. Comment by Is this the only instance without critters?
Announcer: Leave the arena now and rest; you've earned it. Just thought it was interesting. Comment by OMG OMG i just realized that at the end of the dungeon tirion says : "go now and rest, you've earned it! Comment by Enct Requires an average ilvl of to queue for normal mode in the dungeon finder. Comment by nintendorichard I don't think this is soloable.
In the jousting phase, I easily defeated the three packs of the three champions, but when the three grand champions came, I couldn't beat them. They hit me for so much damage in very little time, and if I tried to back off, they would instantly come at me with a Charge.
I also tried to kill them on foot, but they kept charging me and stunning me, even with my mirror images up. Grand Champions, Phase 1: Use charge to get from mount to mount.
You will effectively get one charge and one spear throw out of each mount before needing to get a new one.
By doing this you should be able to keep your primary target at zero armor and dealing at least 14k damage per charge 1 armor. I used Resist Aura for the mage and Seal of Insight. This is the only part I died on, just because I didn't want to pop Lay on Hands with mortal strike on me.
I then came back and took them out by popping all cooldowns. From there it was cake and I gained more life than they dealt. Eadric: Easy. Seal of Insight. Occasionally you'll resist his stun and can throw the hammer back for a free 15k damage. I also bubbled out of one and got the hammer as well.
His hammer does hit hard if he gets you, so I offset that by casting one Divine Light each time he does his Radiance. Black Knight: Seal of Insight. Phase 1: Cleanse diseases. Phase 2: I popped Guardian and slowly backpedaled while using Hammer of the Righteous to kill the adds slowly. Holy Wrath can give you a moment of reprieve while his adds are stunned. Phase 3: I saved bubble in case his stacking debuff became a problem, I could wipe the stack. It didn't.
Yay for 3 Champion's Seals! Comment by Yairdv im an arms warr lvl 79, which gear, should i get 2 enter ToC? Comment by Just did this solo as a Blood DK, didn't realize it wasn't on heroic till I was done with the jousting though, so only did it on normal so far. If I try heroic sometime then I'll post the results. The hardest part is the jousting though. You can try to get off as many charges and spear throws as possible before getting knocked off, just stay near the edges where more mounts are so you can hop back on another one.
At first I focused on colosus till he was dead, but the problem with that is they'll get back on another mount with a bunch of health. So instead, get each one down to just a couple hits from dead, then finish them all off at the same time. As a DK, when you get knocked off your horse you can pop Icebound Fortitude and that will prevent them from knocking you down, you can do quite a bit of damage on foot before IBF wears off, then hop on another mount.
Also if they're wearing you down on foot before you get another mount, IBF plus death strikes will fill you back up easy. Comment by hascat Tried to solo this, but I couldn't get past the jousting portion.
The mobs would despawn whenever I tried to hop to a new mount. I also tried dismounting, then mounting another one, and the same thing happened. Comment by ibroadfo The mobs would despawn whenever I tried to hop to a new mount. Comment by Flowermuffin I did actually manage to solo this in 4. I would run to a wolf mount horde when I was close to my current mount dying.
I would target one first and focus on her until she was down, then I would make sure she was stunned on the ground. Then I would get another down to where the first kill was and made sure they were close together trampled.
I focused down the last one near the other npcs and kept those trampled while killing the last target. Took a bunch of tries but I finally got it down! It IS solo-able but takes a bit of effort, after the jousting part it's cake. Blood death knight ilvl. Comment by NissaR Mobs despawning when getting new mount still :.
Comment by Equip a lance, jump on mount, start the event, then jump off of the mount. You can kill the first three groups of mobs very quickly while dismounted and then jump on a mount for the champions. I can't beat the champions though lol. Comment by CalaelenDT Just a heads-up for those who were a bit confused as I was, reputation from the boss' isn't awarded after each individual boss is defeated, but the reputation of all 3 boss' will be added up and awarded at once after the Black Knight has been defeated.
Trash mobs will instantly give reputation upon death, if applicable. Comment by ntzoid The following worked fine for me for the jousting phases in Normal and Heroic: Groups phase: Just use charge and clear one opponent at a time.
Switch mount just after clearing a group. It will not reset if you do it at this time. Champions phase: Use shield throw, charge and switch mount. Do this repeatedly and be patient cause it takes some time. Hint: You don't need to dismount first to get a new mount. You can jump from the wounded mount to a new one.
For the small mount phase, just go in without a mount and kill them, they're very weak and don't do much damage. It's more trouble than it's worth to mount up for them. For the big mounts, I started out on foot, and killed one of them first.
It took ages, but I was able to stay alive with self-healing. IB gave a stun-free window to get healed up and get some damage in. When one of the mounts are dead, you MUST mount up, or you won't be able to trample him when he gets up and starts walking towards a new mount. From here, it's a nightmare of coordinating dps, defense, getting new mounts, and most importantly, trampling. It took me 30 minutes in total! The rest of the dungeon was a piece of cake. Comment by TheRealLink You can grab a new mount in the beginning battles after each group of 3 mobs is dead.
If you're dismounted though, you have to try to beat each group on foot. The next group up will wait for you - unless you are on foot or close to the center area then they'll automatically attack.
You can grab mounts repeatedly in the champion encounter though. Haven't beaten it yet. Comment by rottenzombie A word to the wise: do not even think of soloing this place. The mounted combat part has became extremely buggy, the control is very unresponsive, there is a ton of los issues, and the bosses would often get stuck and evade, or stop chasing you and just stand near a mount.
I soloed this place often a couple patches before, but now it has became an absolute nightmare. Just save your time and don't bother with it until blizzard remembers to fix it very unlikely. Comment by Thyra My advice: don't try to solo this unless you're a blood dk that is willing to spend a lot of time and effort to get past the first boss the 3 guys with their mounts. Trying to kill them without a mount will result in a slow death because of their stuns. They hit for k on plate non-tank.
I managed to defeat one of the mounted guys with extreme mount hopping but even if you managed this, you have to pay attention. The defeated guy will crawl to a new mount after a short period and if you can't stop him immediately, he will start to regenerate life on his mount and all the pain starts again.
Don't try to leave your mount with this action button, the mobs despawned and I had to start the event again. In my opinion it's not worth to spend so much time for 3 champion's seals. If you need them so badly, ask friends to help you. Comment by finaly solo whit my priest after 2h 1boss:. Comment by zingar its not that bad. Comment by arrianna Can anyone offer advice please? I am trying to solo with lvl 85 hunter.
In the jousting my best strategy is to dismount for the three bosses and take their health down then remount. However when I have done that the bosses stick to the perimeter at different points of the arena making it impossible to take them all down at the same time. Comment by Esploratore I'm surprised no one posted about this, now that we solo this one: as a tauren race, if you wipe you CANNOT run back inside the dungeon, the entrance is too small.
I had to get resurrection sickness and gold repair bill the first time it happened. The second time I got quite annoyed, remembered that in a wipe in BH annoying but useful , sometimes I ressed in the middle of tol barad, at the graveyard.
Only problem was, you cannot take portals when you are a ghost, BUT wintergrasp is also a non-instanced battleground, so I flew there, tried a graveyard at north of it, probably sunken ring, but couldn't climb it, so went to eastpark and ressed, no mass repair bill, no resurrection sickness.
Except this, soloed as a blood dk around dps item level at heroic, incredibly easy except the dismount fight, which took me mins; last boss I wiped on purpose a few times, till I managed to solo the achievement, bloodworms kept failing. Soloed now as a fury warrior, dps item level, always at heroic, the dismount fight is very annoying, but as fury you have 40 sec cd for heroic leap, plus you can wear a shield, so if they knock you down you can take a bit less damage; also stay in defensive stance for even less damage.
I also used a pvp trinket, but was useless. The black knight was much harder; first phase I lost some hp, second phase I lost 80k, had 4k at last phase and he one-shotted me.
You can bandage in between phases, but didn't want to use them as these are easy fights compared to even just 70 raids. So retried, this time I went in defensive stance, using a souldrinker raid finder, a shield, lost more hp than before on p1, a bit less on p2, after enraged regeneration I still had k or so, and in the last phase he has no adds, all melee damage, so it was very easy to kill this time.
Comment by ovinophile How to Solo the Champions Mounted Phase I've been soloing this on Heroic for a week or so now, and I think I have all the quirks of the champions mounted combat phase figured out.
It usually takes me about 10 minutes. A key technique here is to know that you can quickly press 2 then 3 in rapid succession to both throw a lance and charge on one global cooldown. I just quickly roll my fingers - 2,3.
Be prepared to bust out any and all tricks to stay alive if you get knocked off. At first, you will have all 3 rirders on you. Stay near the mounts because they can knock you off fast. The riders will leash to the corner and reset.
You'll want to focus on one rider at a time. It helps to focus target them so that when you lose target as you change mounts you can quickly get it back.
They will frequently bug and just sit there unable to be hit if you are knocked off now. You should be safe to switch mounts while one is down, but I try not to just in case.
Just ride away and spam 4. Once the first rider gets up, walks back, re-mounts, and comes after you, switch mounts to make him leash. He will now be stuck in that corner the rest of the fight, no need to keep them trampled. Move to a new corner with the remaining riders.
Repeat this process until you have knocked off all three riders and have them each tied to their own corner. Now get a fresh mount and approach the first rider. They will probably be at full health again. Stand back and you should be able to charge them without actually moving now. They will run at you but leash back quickly.
Get them as close as possible to , keeping in mind that throws do and charges do 20, against zero shields. Try to lower their health as quickly as possible, because each time they evade they all regain some health.
Get a fresh mount sparingly, as close as you can shave it. Move from rider to rider, getting each down to HP. You might have to do a couple twice. Move quickly. If all goes well, you should get them all down at once and dismount automatically yourself. On to the rest of boss fights which are relatively straightfoward.
Comment by Nannur Been going here a few times within the last week together with a Warlock I am Priest , the whole instance is easily duoable. Except , it has a lot of bugs that can make you have to restart everything over again.
For example: When killing the 3 x 3 weak riders, it seems that if duoing, both can't switch mount towards the end of the phase without the instance being reset. This happened 3 times. Everything would just vanish, making you have to talk to the guy in the middle to start over. The 3 stronger riders, sometimes one of them bugs and simply lays on the floor with full health, not moving or doing anything.
No matter how many times we tried to down the other two, nothing happened. In these cases we just ran out of the dungeon and restarted. Some small tactics we use: First phase with 3 x 3 riders: Just run around and charge them, getting them down one by one.
Try not to switch mounts as you might have to restart cause of bug. Second phase with 3 riders: We mark them with Skull, X and Star, killing them in that order. The person who has aggro runs around in a circle near the edges, ready to switch mount when low on health. Throws in a shield breaker if there is a chance.
Other person keeps charging and throwing shield breaks on the current target. When they get unmounted, they start heading towards another horse. Get all 3 of them down and they'll be on horses and at low health. Kill them off roughly at the same time and you'll move on to the next fight. The fights that follow are very simple. Just kill them with whatever means you have. As I am a healer the rest of the fight is super easy.
Hope this helps someone, have fun in the instance! Comment by With MoP, this is easily soloable. I did it as an Arms Warrior. It is easy, but still annoying. I did the 3 champions while on the ground and just hit them with whirlwind and bladestorm keeping their health about equal and then one final bladestorm when they were near death.
Comment by Qoko I can confirm that this is now soloable with 90 as max level without a major effort though it may take some time depending on class because being on foot against any target that is mounted is no longer a major threat. The small targets are burned down in a matter of second. The only problem you run in to is that the champions will Trample stun your for 4 seconds and this has no diminishing returns.
For melee this can a hell because being close basically means you get stunlocked. If you have any selfheals this be the time to top yourself and dps the highest target. I think currently Rogue, which I am, is the worst class doing this combo point related selfheals, no utility with the Trample, minor ranged combat and I got this fight down in about 10 minutes abusing Shiv and Recupe to stay alive and using Killing Spree for most dps, and I guess I can shorten that timer up by quite a bit using Cloak and Every Man on opportune moments.
Just make sure they 'die' at about the same time, any other class should have it easier. Any other part of the instance should be nothing more than a breeze. Comment by Castor27 Solo'd last night on my Ret. Can be done without a mount, but will take awhile.
Part1- Use the mount and take them out. This part is fairly easy. Part2- This part may take a while if you aren't real good on horseback. I was dismounted so I decided to see if I could kill the champions without a horse. It took about 15 minutes to do it, but had I started off better it would have been faster. If I was doing this again, I would immediately dismount and equip my weapon.
I kited the riders around the arena, occasionally I got knocked down hen that happened I just had to work to get myself up and out of their knockdown range. I pooped CD's when available and ran around using my ranged and AoE attacks. I got each rider down to about 5k and then bubbled and burned them all down together. If for some reason you kill one too early before the others all you have to do is hit them as they are trying to mount and they will not be successful. This is not viable if you have a long way to go to burn the others though because eventually they will remount.
If that happens just continue to burn the others down and get them to 5k or so. In fact it is probably more efficient to go ahead and let them remount and just burn down the small amount of hp they regain. Parts 3, 4 and 5 are nothing; just burn the bosses down and profit. I easily got the corpse explode acheve. I already had the Hammer acheve, but probably could have easily gotten it but I got the Confessor encounter.
Comment by Wolfshanze As of 5. Solo'd as a lvl Frost DK. Normal AND Heroic versions. Of course, the trick is the jousting up-front, the rest is all a cakewalk.. Get lance, start encounter, dismount and use your regular weapons. The joust trash takes but a second, the three joust bosses If you're a DK, take desecrated ground as a talent, they can't stun you while you're in it, and you can do a LOT of damage while its up get Death and Decay off while you're not stunned too.
Bottom line, its the diseases that did most of the work for me DoTs are your friend in soloing this, as you'll spend most of your time on the first fight stunned. Finally soloable Literally every bad thing about vehicle combat is present in the first round and it makes accessing later rounds that much harder.
Comment by At level 90, soloing the first part of this dungeon is trivial though long if you are a ranged class. You do not need to mount. Run in circles and throw dots on them or whatever you can do while moving. The coordinates for the entrance is 74,20, the entrance at the top.
The location of Trial of the Champion is at the Northern end of the Icecrown zone. The entrance portal is located on the east side of the Argent Coliseum, near the Tier 9 and Emblem of Triumph vendors. You can make it to Icecrown by foot at the Northwester corner of Crystalsong Forest. Can you still get Argent Dawn rep? How do I start the Argent Crusade?