How does stackoverflow earn money

Anyone who has coded including me can attest to the importance of stackoverflow. Sad to see the recent news regarding the moderator firings and changes to the website. Do you think this is a part of the broader resentment against tech Google faced a lot of protests, Amazon was put under a lot of scrutiny although the context was different than StackOverflow?

Or is this happening only at StackOverflow? I think that this is very much a Stack-Overflow-only resentment that has been building up over quite some time. In that sense, I think these complaints are very unique to Stack Overflow. Notice that the Meta post with the most votes had less than votes. And there are over 11 million users. You must be logged in to post a comment. Skip to content. The HBS Digital Initiative brings together perspectives across disciplines to help people understand how technology is transforming organizations and the greater world.

Want to learn more about technology and organizations? Email Password Remember Me Lost your password? But this is a small minority of all answerers, I suppose. I don't count answers on the meta sites by SE employees, which also fall in this category. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?

Learn more. How do users of Stack Overflow make money? Asked 9 years, 11 months ago. Active 3 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 28k times. Improve this question. Anne Daunted GoFundMonica 6, 5 5 gold badges 17 17 silver badges 47 47 bronze badges. Related now closed Programmers question: Will high reputation in Stack Overflow help to get a good job?

Well, I think Jon Skeet could create new accounts, push them to 10k in to time and sell them on Ebay. Asylum: Do you think people would really pay for 10k accounts?

How do people make money on Stack Overflow? When I posted my comment, there was one close vote. Now there are four. In the last hour, at least 7 people have thought that this should not be closed as a dupe of that question, and three thought that it should. One more will close it. Kevin My apologies.

I VTC-ed a bit hastily and upvoted your comment when I realized my mistake. Very similar status-declined feature request to undo close votes, also with a heavily downvoted answer by Jeff — John. Thank you everyone for your comments. I am a business student and program to make some of the technical things I do easier. I find Stack Overflow and Server Fault very useful and am appreciative of them. At the same, since I am a student of business, I think it's just natural to ask this question of any entity or resource; it's not meant in a pejorative way.

I thought this meta site would be an appropriate venue. I respect what the moderators decide but I think closing my question is not constructive for the community.

Thanks again. TomD: It's certainly a valid question, in my opinion. These are the core obsessions that drive our newsroom—defining topics of seismic importance to the global economy. Our emails are made to shine in your inbox, with something fresh every morning, afternoon, and weekend.

Prosus, which is best known for being the largest shareholder in Chinese tech giant Tencent , invests in areas including online classifieds, food delivery, and financial technology.

Founded in , Stack Overflow is a question-and-answer website, primarily used by those learning how to code, or who want to share knowledge or collaborate with others. To date, the platform, which is available in English, Spanish, Russian, and Japanese, has over 15 million registered users and has received over 21 million questions.

The New York-based company generates revenue via advertising revenue and companies posting job opportunities. It also has a product called Stack Overflow for Teams, which gives businesses access to a private version of the platform where their employees can collaborate.

The career-focused component may also help explain the success of this year-old tech community.


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