How many countries in the tropics

Only two tropical-zone countries, Hong Kong and Singapore, rank among the 30 countries classified as high-income by the World Bank. When temperate-zone economies are not rich, there is typically a straightforward explanation, such as decades under communism.

Sea navigable regions are generally richer than land-locked nations. Thus, between and, GNP per capita in the temperate region grew at an average annual rate of 1. Between and , both regions grew at about 2. This reflects fast growth in non-temperate zone Asia of 2. At the core of this long-term growth was the continued development of technology, a process that has benefitted the temperate-zone countries much more than the tropics.

Production technology in the tropics has lagged behind temperate-zone technology in the two critical areas of agriculture and health. The difficulty of mobilizing energy resources in tropical economies also has contributed to the income gap between climate zones. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool. We also mark other UN observances. Skip to main content. Toggle navigation Welcome to the United Nations.

The future belongs to the Tropics The International Day of the Tropics celebrates the extraordinary diversity of the tropics while highlighting unique challenges and opportunities nations of the Tropics face. The Ecosystem The Tropics are a region of the Earth, roughly defined as the area between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn. Did you know? India, in southern Asia, lies mostly in the tropics, and all countries of Southeast Asia are tropical countries.

Australia, Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, Kiribati, and most of the other island nations of Oceania in the South Pacific are tropical countries, as well. Not all tropical countries have the same climate, but they all have a limited range in their temperatures and less climate change over a year than is found in other zones.

Their climate is distinguished chiefly by wet and dry seasons. Read More…. Skip to content. Twitter Facebook Pinterest Google Classroom. Encyclopedic Entry Vocabulary. Clear skies, beautiful beaches. Tropic of Cancer. Tropic of Capricorn. Websites Weather Underground: Tropical Weather.

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