You have beautiful twins- how do you cope as a working mother?! How do you stay in such great shape? Do you follow any diet? If you could spend the day with anyone in the world, who would it be?
Kate Hudson, she seems like a lot of fun! What is your biggest pet peeve? Tell us a secret. I want more babies. One bit of advice for working moms? Ask for help as much as you can. How are you staying positive these days? Explore more stories. Customer Care.
I was scared — these athletes themselves often break their backs or necks even when they have been training for years.
Of all the sports I have tried to date there was something especially exciting about operating a machine with so much power and force. I loved it so much I went to get my bike license after filming that episode.
How do you encourage other women to physically challenge themselves… to push beyond their comfort zone? LB: Not just women but everyone should push themselves and deepen their connection to their bodies through exercise and sport.
It can be challenging to dedicate time to exercise, but it only takes a few minutes for our bodies to respond and start feeling energized. You took on this challenge with the goal of becoming the first woman to complete this training the second to attempt it.
Why was that important to you? I hope I can empower women to challenge themselves, and to achieve the unthinkable by pushing their limits. Limits only exist if you choose to let them. LB: I have to admit it was tough. I have a lot of respect for all of the men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving this country.
More than physical ability, it is the mental strength that gets you through something like this. I learned more about myself during those 24 hours than ever before. Although it was physically painful, it nourished my being and gave me a better understanding of the amazing people that defend America. Sign up for weekly updates for every week of pregnancy.
By providing your email address, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Mom Crush. Shop the perfect vee. Current state of mind? What was your experience getting pregnant? Shop the easy denim overall. How did you feel when you found out you were having twins?
How are you planning differently for twins? What are you most nervous about? Shop jumpsuits. What are you most excited about? What have you eaten or not eat throughout pregnancy? What are your wellness hacks? Any weird cravings or aversions?
Watermelon all day every single day and sausage! If your pregnancy were a song, what would it be? Some song about surrendering. Fitness routine before and during pregnancy?
How has it been to run your business while pregnant?