Yep, as long as you don't have a bunch of tight areas that you have to get into, the four wheeler is the way to go for aeration. If you look at your aeration plugs closely you should see layers to it.
Besides seeing grass and dirt, you will probably also see in the middle a layer of thatch that looks and feels like matted dead grass. Thatch acts a bit like a sponge, and too much will hinder the ability of the grass roots to get moisture and nutrients. Thatch also is like a breeding ground for many turf diseases.
Is it more than. When you take a hard rake and run it back and forth several times on your grass do you pull up thatch? Thatching done wrong can tear up a lawn, especially with a power rake, but done right the lawn could really appreciate it. You must log in or register to reply here. Similar threads U. Replies 27 Views Oct 10, Sarracenia.
Scag swzu Kawasaki 17 running like crap. Replies 2 Views Jul 22, ashs inc. How do pros deal with wet grass? Replies 8 Views Nov 5, Prestigious1. Echo SRM will not idle even though usual suspects checked. All scenarios are case-specific, but many facilities can re-suspend the solids even if the air has been off for an hour or so. In general, the required DO for solids processing is 0.
If you are like the many operators who enjoy finding creative and better ways to do things, fine-tuning aeration may be another opportunity to make process improvements and save money. Aeration design and control can get very complex, but it can also be done in low-tech, energy-efficient ways. Probably the easiest way to monitor DO is with a hand-held meter with a data logging function. Set the probe in the mixed liquor for as long as the data logger will collect data one reading per half hour, 48 readings per day as a starting point.
Plot the DO for a week or so on a chart. If the DO is over or under your ideal setpoint, reprogram the controls to increase or decrease aeration, or even turn off the aeration at a high DO setpoint for a certain period. Where you put the probe in the aeration tank matters. Think about the ideal setpoint for the location you are measuring to get the desired treatment. Also, ask your consulting engineer what your DO setpoints should be.
What kind of question is this? Why would you want to do more work? The short answer is that adding a denitrification step may save energy and chemicals and benefit the environment. The nitrification process consumes a lot of energy through aeration and also consumes alkalinity.
On the other hand, denitrification occurs under anoxic conditions. By decreasing the DO, nitrate is further reduced to nitrogen gas. Important points about denitrification:. The operator of the Hamilton Township Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ludlow, Pennsylvania, applied knowledge gained from an energy efficiency training conducted by the U. He first cut back the runtime of two 15 hp blowers from 24 hours per day to 12 hours by alternating the blowers on and off.
Over time, he saw that he could cut runtime to nine hours per day while maintaining permit compliance. Agitating the surface breaks this surface tension and allows for a proper exchange of gases.
As the temperature of your aquarium increases, the oxygen content in it decreases because the evaporation rate of your tank water will be higher. Once you get above 80 0 F, you will probably have to provide some of the aeration devices listed below in addition to your filter. For many aquariums, a simple HOB hang on back filter will adequately aerate your tank. Many filters have outputs that drop the water into the surface of the tank and, therefore, provide adequate surface agitation.
This surface disturbance increases the surface area in contact with the atmosphere and, therefore, increases oxygen absorption. Additionally, the filter circulates the water in your tank which is important because it moves the water at the bottom of your aquarium water that is not gaining oxygen from the air to the top surface so it can increase its oxygen concentration.
If your filter is not disturbing the surface enough or providing enough circulation, you can use a power head as well. A power head siphons water up out of the tank and mixes it with air as it is expelled. Many power heads also let you adjust how much air they intake which enables you to adjust how many bubbles are produced see the paragraph on air stones below to see how bubbles help in aeration. Power heads can also be useful in eliminating dead spots in the tank — areas where water circulation is particularly low.
A carefully placed power head can serve to increase the circulation in these areas of your tank. Filters, air stones, and decorations often do not adequately aerate large aquariums. Therefore, power heads are often the preferred method for larger tanks. However, you can easily provide too much current in small to medium sized aquarium with power heads, so be sure to buy one rated for smaller tanks or buy one that has an adjustable flow rate.
An air stone is a porous stone that is connected to an air pump to produce bubbles in an aquarium. Many think these pumps are too noisy and, therefore, choose not to use air stones. However, placing the pump on a sponge will usually dampen the noise significantly. Some hobbyists really like the look of a bubble wall in their aquarium and, therefore, use them even when further aeration is not needed. It is not actually the bubbles that provide the oxygen to the water a common misconception , but it is their disturbance of the surface and ability to provide more water circulation that helps to raise the concentration of oxygen in the tank.
DurtyChemist Well-Known Member. Weezy said:. DurtyChemist said:. Are you controlling fermentation temperature within a degree or two OR are you pitching yeast and letting it sit at ambient temperatures?
If you are controlling temperature how are you controlling it? Mini fridge and a digital controller? Cool Brew Bag? T-Shirt Trick? It is my understanding that fusels can be created by high fermentation temperatures for a fairly short time. I would think at least 24 hours though. The most critical time being at high krausen, or in other words, the most active portion of the fermentation.
As for ferm temp control itself, I'm all for it and I realize mine could always be better. You might be thinking, "but he doesn't know about exothermic reaction! That said, my understanding is that fusels are produced from "too warm a ferm temp", which by my interpretation and correct me if I'm wrong , is too high a ferm temp for the entire fermentation period, E-R notwithstanding. I could understand fusels in the finished product if the amb. But over 3 years of brewing under these conditions, I've not had a problem with fusel production.
Although I've never measured the [progress of] internal fermentation temp over an extended period, I would be skeptical in the case of these two "fusel" batches that a temporary temperature variation due to E-R might result in an entire 5-gallon batch being warm enough long enough to create fusels. But I could be wrong. As others have said you most certainly did not add too much O2. Its quite difficult to do this even with pure O2. You say your controlling ambient but wort inside a carboy can easily go way up do you know the temp of the wort by measuring it directly?
If so your only guessing. Bigger beers? New process? Hope you get it solved. Fusel ruin a beer and generally dont age out. Good luck! You must log in or register to reply here. Similar threads I. Replies 6 Views 5K. Dec 1, irishrover Did I over pitch? Replies 4 Views Mar 7, JonW. Is it possible to over-aerate a starter?