Is it possible to unsend a friend request

You can easily cancel a friend request on Facebook that you've sent out before the individual accepts or rejects it. You can cancel friend requests on a computer or mobile device, and both methods are executed in a similar way. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. Taylor Lyles is a freelance writer for Business Insider.

Insider Inc. Additional comments. Email optional. Receive a selection of our best stories daily based on your reading preferences. This is not reversible. You should have read the EULA better.

You are now required to exchange phone numbers and invite this person over to watch TV on a regular basis. Origami Damn you, fine print, damn yooooou! Also the channel is decided soley on the requestees taste. Good luck. Is this really a gaming question? Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer.

Ash Ash You can add them to "block list" it will automatically delete pending friend requests. To do so: Open your profile in Origin click on your avatar in upper right corner Click on "Edit my profile section" Go to privacy settings Add user names to the block list You can safely remove them from list after this, they will not appear in your pending friends anymore. The answer is yes and no: while you cannot literally recall and unsend a request, you can cancel that request by using an indirect way.

And you will still be able to re-send that friend request later on if you so desire. Sign in. Privacy Policy. Password recovery. Forgot your password? Get help.


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