Lessons learned how does it feel

Sometimes we need to remember how important kindness is. We need to remember that we have been given a gift called life and that we should appreciate it. Everything can end tomorrow. Focus on what is important to us. When all this is over, Earth will continue to spin, and life will flow again. The question is whether by then we will have learned our lesson. Let us be mindful of our Earth and it will be kind to us.

There is no rainbow without rain. Remember that. As a young teenager, believe me it is hard dealing with this situation, and to everyone who is reading this and feeling helpless, I just want to tell you that you are not alone, and it will be better! I am aware of everything that has been taken away from us due to this situation, of all the unrealized plans, be it birthdays, travels, weddings But we are not powerless!

On the contrary, it is all of us together that can make the world a better place. If each of us respects the measures imposed by authorities, the situation will get better and it will pass much faster than expected.

I can single out isolation - staying at home — as one of the most important measures. I know it sounds difficult and believe me, at first this sounded impossible to me, just unfeasible. But over time, I started to find hobbies. Health and safety remained our number one priority while helping our drivers secure an income.

Launching Beat Bus in Peru and Argentina was our first measure showcasing our support to the community by transferring for free health practitioners. Keep them informed on the things that matter to them during the crisis. Provide solutions to their current needs. Ask yourselves: How are we helping them? How are we helping fight the virus itself? Companies must be in the position to have more than one answer to these questions.

Everyone, from governments and companies to individuals, has had to deal with a new reality and with an inevitable negative impact on the economy. Many of these lessons and guidance can also be applied to climate change, such as helping to combat misinformation online.

Due to COVID, over 1 billion children are being deprived of their education due to nationwide school closures. This risks creating a generation less equipped to take action on, or deal with the impacts of, the climate crisis. But children and families are trying their best to keep learning.

All children should be equipped with the resources, including remote learning and technology, to continue their education, even if they are not physically at school.

A good education is one of the most valuable tools we have to fight climate change, because it provides children and young people with the skills and knowledge they need to create a better tomorrow. We can help them use this time at home to build their strengths, their creativity, and their desire to confront any challenge.

To children and young people everywhere: Keep learning and keep raising your voices! This article was originally published on 21 April Finding and exploring ways for people to keep in contact with each other was imperative. Handling each and every individual challenge as they navigated these waters tested HR's ability to adapt, stay strong and hold down the fort.

I am not just referring to the job and financial security that are always top of the list, but also maintaining secure working relationships, having defined job roles and working toward agreed goals. There has been so much upheaval this past year that I find our people want structure and [to] maintain some normality, which only comes with knowing exactly what is expected of them. These are things that can be controlled in an otherwise uncontrollable world.

When you're faced with an entirely virtual onboarding process, it forces you to consider what your company is about and what values you want to instill in new hires. In some cases, we've assigned veteran co-workers mentorship roles to help ease new people in. You don't want anyone to feel left out or overlooked. We're going to take these lessons forward into and beyond, even after we are all back in the office. I have been conducting more training and seminars, both for work and personal aspects, so I can help them to cope with work and stress brought about by the situation.

Automation and AI-powered applications are indeed the next-generation tools. This isn't about trusting employees to do their work unsupervised, either. We have complete trust in our employees, and this was never brought into question.

The problem is that people have different proficiencies with tech and different abilities to work without guidance. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server.

Please enable scripts and reload this page. By Kathy Gurchiek March 29, Reuse Permissions. Image Caption. The Meaning of 'Flexibility' "Before the pandemic, we thought employees asking for 'flexibility' meant working from home.


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