The curriculum in these programs typically includes basic graduate-level study in theology, Bible interpretation, introductory courses in Old and New Testament, discipleship, and personal spiritual formation. Students then work to master other areas common to the liberal arts by studying in areas like communication, history, leadership, education, discipleship, and teaching, as well as practical ministry areas.
Academic MAs are those that focus strictly on theology or the biblical languages, but that omit practical courses needed by pastors in local church ministry. Academic MAs are commonly sought by people who intend to teach as professors and to serve in higher education administration others choose to take the more generalized Master of Divinity and then proceed into higher education.
Professional MAs, the other category within the Master of Arts, provide broad training in philosophy, history, education, and psychology, in addition to an area of specialization.
Since the Master of Arts does not require study in Hebrew, Greek, and exegesis original language-based interpretation of the biblical text and individual Bible book study courses , Master of Arts is the typical degree chosen for those who do not anticipate serving primarily in congregational Bible teaching and preaching.
The needs of the local church, denominational agencies, educational institutions, Christian non-profits, faith-based organizations, and non-government agencies require very broad educational preparation across a host of fields. Accredited academic institutions like Grace Theological Seminary stand ready to provide leadership to these ministries in order to help equip leaders to advance the Kingdom of God, for the Glory of God.
Do you want to learn more about the master of ministry vs master of divinity? For those called to minister in today's changing world, the Master of Divinity degree from Southern Seminary offers trusted and comprehensive theological education. This degre Join passionate Bible teachers in a comprehensive, pre-doctoral program that combines biblically-based evangelical theology with Christian ministry.
The Master of Divinity pro The Master of Divinity is a professional degree that is intended to train Christian leaders that are inclined to apply Christian living and ministry. This is a 3-year program designed to provide integrated training for those entering the pastorate in diverse situations, including missionary service, church education ministr We welcome students from many denominations and global contexts.
Our Master of Divinity equips you for transformational leadership in the church. Offered in collaboration with Maitripa College offers a robust, 72 credit minimum, three-to-four year Master of Divinity MDiv degree under the direction of Yangsi Rinpoche. The MDiv is a professional deg The Master of Divinity MDiv is a credit-hour professional graduate degree designed to equip pastors and other Christian ministers with the knowledge, skills, and attitude The Master of Divinity M.
It is the standard by which many denominations List your programs. Master Degrees. Masters of Science. Masters of Arts. Student Resources. See Results. Whether in full-time or bi-vocational ministry, graduates of this flexible and innovative program will be rooted in the Christian story and traditions, capable of effective and creative leadership and spiritually and socially resourceful for cultivating the radical gospel of Jesus Christ in, with and for the world.
At Drew we know that learning happens everywhere. This degree is designed to connect your learning in a ministry context, at Seminary Hall, in online video conference classrooms and in off-campus immersions. It can be completed in a combination of in-person and online learning organized in a mix of semester-long and intensive schedules. The way of Jesus in the New Testament and his message of the breakthroughs of the reign of God centrally include the way of peacemaking. We will seek to deepen our understanding of that way and our ability to teach it and model it.
We will compare major present-day ethical positions—nonviolence, just war, and just peacemaking—as they relate to overcoming terrorism, preventing nuclear war, peace in the Middle East, and practical peacemaking among church members, including role-playing conflict resolution within churches.
This course explores our sexuality from a theological perspective and encourages development of an alternative vision for how our sexuality matters for our personal discipleship and communal witness. Liberationist, Evangelical, and Emergent. Developing a strong Christian ethic means being aware of key traditions that influence our approaches to ethics.
This is because particular ethical traditions face specific cultural, moral, and political challenges and responsibilities. This course will explore key portions of the Christian ethical landscape, with special focus upon Liberationist e. This course studies the theological and ethical grounds and directives of creation care and Sabbath economics that inform our personal and corporate responsibility as the followers of Jesus.
The study includes 1 an analysis of the detrimental impact of global capitalism on the ecology and 2 an exploration of appropriate spiritual formation, communal practices, and public policy proposals of creation care and the Sabbath economics in local, national, and global contexts.
We also discuss the importance of having a theology of suffering and evil as it pertains to these subjects. This course considers ethical concerns arising at the beginning life e. Given the cultural distance of the biblical world from our biotechnological society, some find it challenging to know how Scripture informs our relationship to medicine and health care. This course investigates secular and religious approaches while assuming that the Scripture and the Christian tradition remain central for living faithfully as embodied creatures.
This course studies emerging theologies and ethics of Asian American Christianity. Using an interdisciplinary approach, it examines distinctive social and historical contexts, cultural heritages and values of Asian American communities in a critical conversation with Scripture and Christian traditions. Major themes and topics include, among others, immigration and transnationalism, legacy and influence of Confucianism, Pan Asian Americanism, racialization and identity development and construction, and intergenerational and gender conflicts.
Drawing from sociological, biblical, and historical sources, this course first seeks to comprehend differences and interpret them theologically. Any youth ministry course YF prefix or one of the two following courses:. This course introduces students to the art and practice of teaching as a praxis of theology, with significant attention to group and individual crafting and performance of teaching.
Major themes include formation congregational, spiritual, and missional , constructivist learning design, developmental learning principles, action learning, and cross cultural learning. This course focuses on teaching as a theological praxis, understood as the interface of teaching and the creation of learning organizations.
Major themes include formation, constructivist learning design, developmental learning principles, action learning, and cross cultural learning. The course includes group and individual crafting and performance of teaching.
This course is a survey of leadership that introduces the student to the practice of Christian leadership in both congregational contexts and in contexts beyond the congregation e. The course will give specific attention to intercultural leadership. Strategies for implementing a youth ministry: recruitment, budgeting, administration, planning.