As of SQLite 3. I would have preferred if it were possible to overload the rowCount function from PDOStatement, but I don't think it's possible or I don't know how to do it. I don't know if we have alike case to others or this is just a problem in our coding. In local, the rowCount is not giving the correct number of rows but it is working fine when uploaded to our hosting site..
The fetchColumn is working fine in local but not anymore when uploaded. I don't know what is really going on with that but I think rowCount is the best and the others are optional to use. Yet another workaround to return the row count inside only ONE select see limitations below! Disadvantages: - it doesn't return row fields reliable if more than one row found. If more than one row responds to the SELECT query, the query returns still only one row and you don't know which one exactly.
Maybe using a SORT BY, would make it a bit more predictible as in: "if more than one users found, return the last user added in the table" but it's more a matter of good design of the program that fills in the table initially. While the overall query itself took milliseconds or less, the latter single string query was consistently 8 times faster or more. If this was built out to say reflect an import of thousands of rows on many more columns, the difference could be enormous.
Python Javascript Linux Cheat sheet Contact. That is basically how we want the insert statement to look like. Same answer as Mr. Balagtas, slightly clearer Asked By: user Answered By: Joel Lubrano. Answered By: Bill Karwin. Answered By: Iazel. Answered By: sonofkrish.