Suggested Resources 5. How to pronounce ecco? Alex US English. David US English. Mark US English. Daniel British. Libby British. Mia British. Karen Australian. Hayley Australian. Natasha Australian. Veena Indian. Priya Indian. Neerja Indian. Zira US English. Oliver British.
Wendy British. This is my mom. Ecco il passaporto. Here is your passport. Here we are all together. All done! Eccoci arrivati! Here we are! Okay , Aha Ecco, lo sapevo! Aha, I knew it!
Browse eccitarsi. Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes. Image credits. Word of the Day have a heart of gold. Captions , Anna e Marika - Il pane Play Caption Ecco can stand alone just about anywhere in a sentence as in the above example, or can precede a noun to present it, as in ecco la primavera.
Here he is , here he is , he's here. Yes, yes. That's why I don't want to leave it. Ecco qua! It's almost ready Here it is! I would simply like everyone to have his portion, that's all.
But, there you go , from my point of view, I see a Sicilian Cassata there! Caption 11, Susanna Cutini - Dolci delle tradizioni di Pasqua Play Caption Ecco is often difficult or even impossible to translate accurately. And there you have it! Topics Expressions Vocabulary. Signup to get Free Italian Lessons sent by email Sign up. Anna e Marika - Il pane. Bookmark Bookmarked.