It will be gone. You will have to know the product key to re-download it. Unless you had already purchased it through the App Store. You need to click on yellow triangle - it will tell you if you need to enable or disable a device or setting. You may need to re-boot after action taken. Anonymous "See if you can rely on photo recovery for mac also recover movies etc Anonymous "Please change source resolution I need help Please change source resolution.
Unfortunately your computer may be frozen and need to be restarted. This happened to me recently and, yes, I had to start the project over. I dont know.. Anonymous 0. This is normal give it a few minutes. Just go to trash and look search for imovie and then just move it to the dock.
Add Your Answer Imovie is telling me the source clip is missing, but i put all the clips back where they were? IMovies i need advice please trying to play a movie clip? This discussion closely relates to:. What do i do to repair it? Can you help us by answering one of these related questions? We need your help!
Please help us improve our content by removing questions that are essentially the same and merging them into this question. Please tell us which questions below are the same as this one:.
The following questions have been merged into this one. The files are on my hard drive. They haven't gone anywhere. I can pull them up in finder and play them in QT. What is going on!!! I too have been working on this for over a week now. It's my son's wrestling team highlight video. I was volunteered for the job because I knew the software on PC so well. I made a stupid mistake and overclocked my cpu a little too much. And honestly, I wasn't against it.
Especially after all the good things I have heard about the graphics programs. OK enough of the rant. Just had to get that off my chest. Anybody have an idea how to reconnect to the source files? A little background.. I did expect some compatibility issue bringing in files from about 80 different sources, I've been copying video and picture files from flash drives on to my HDD.
I then put them in the same folder, imported in to the events, clipped and put my project together. Today however, those same source files cannot be found. What gives??? User profile for user: Beo Beo. I imported directly to an external firewire drive and created the project there.
The "event" still shows up in full but the edited "project" view shows the same yellow caution triangle noted in the other posts. My project was just under 45 minutes. I called Apple support and was told by "Chris" that if this happens, all of the editing is gone and the project must be recreated. I asked that it be logged as a possible iMovie '09 problem.
He said "They are still working on updates for that product since it is so new" and said to make sure I keep looking for updates.
No other options or help was given. User profile for user: Roger Paolo Roger Paolo. I had my project and my files on a drive in my mac pro, but want to use my new bought macbook for video editing on the couch.. I copied the projects folder and the folder with the video files to a USB drive. I can open the project, but there seems to be no way to reconnect to the corresponding video files. User profile for user: Larzicalif Larzicalif. I am having the same problem in iMovie ' One of my Projects got separated from its Event.
In the Project section, I am getting an exclamation mark inside yellow triangles. How do I re-connect the Project to the Event the Project was generated from? User profile for user: jordan99mac jordan99mac. I discovered my multiple diamond warnings at the beginning of each clip in the Project Library right after I finished transfering all contents of one MacBook Pro to a second backup older MacBook Pro.
The OS The clips in both computers were equally affected. User profile for user: PeterTstart PeterTstart. If it is any value to whoever is trying to fix this bug: I tried to Move Rejected Clips to Trash, got some funny error, and after that all was broken.
As much as I would love to continue playing with the new version, I dare not waste my time until this is fixed! All links were gone clip missing errors in all my projects. It contains copies of all my iMovie events. I back these up manually copy them because it is just way too much for Time Machine to handle. Anyway, when iMovie finally started up, I could see all the events from both drives that's fine but iMovie couldn't see any of them from the Projects window.
Online and offline clips in Premiere Pro are not related to the concepts of online and offline editing. To be eligible for capture, an offline clip must contain at least a tape name, filename, and Media Start and Media End settings.
You can edit an offline clip. You can give it new start and end points, tape name and filename, and a new audio format. You can specify whether it contains audio only, video only, or audio and video. When an edited offline clip is placed in sequences, it retains the updated settings. These updated settings also are used for subsequent batch capture.
You can link an offline clip to a source file, even to a source file different from the one from which the offline clip was made. The linked source file appears anywhere the offline clip is used in a project. It is possible, for example, to edit an online clip in a sequence, make its source offline, and link the offline clip to another source file. The new source appears in the sequence wherever the original one did. You can link offline clips to video files, audio files, and still-image files.
However, you cannot link an offline clip to a still-image sequence different from its original source file. Instead, import new still-image sequences, and place them into timelines manually. You can link an offline clip containing audio to a source file containing no audio.
Premiere Pro deletes the audio track in all instances of the relinked clip from the project. To link the audio of a new source file, the source file must have the same type of audio track as the offline clip. For example, if the offline clip has a stereo audio track, you cannot link it to a source file with a monaural audio track. If you selected more than one offline clip, the Link Media To dialog box appears in turn for each clip you selected.
The title bar of the dialog box gives the filename for each offline clip. Relink the correct source file to each offline clip. If all of the offline clips selected point to media in the same folder, the Link MediaTo dialog asks for the first file, then links the selected offline clips to all the files in the same folder as the file selected. If you link to a file from a different project, and if that project has the same folder structure and folder names as the first project, the Link Media To dialog box asks for the first file, and then links the selected offline clips to all the files in the other project.
To cancel linking to the source file, and retain the audio track in all instances of the offline clip, click Cancel.