It does not cover alcohol or tobacco. You can explore your options below. Take our quick quiz to understand your drug use. Your answers should only be about your drug use over the last 12 months. What did you think of this page? Information, advice and tools to help people understand alcohol and make better choices.
Trivia Questions Quiz. Welcome to the trivia questions quiz on types and effects of drugs. Questions: 5 Attempts: Last updated: Sep 11, Sample Question. Anti arythmic. Questions: 36 Attempts: Last updated: Sep 10, Antidepressants Quiz Questions. Take this quiz and learn more about how to use antidepressants, and what's the side effect of this.
Let's learn more about it! A rock. Page 23 of Nothing really happens. They are really tired. They become deeply depressed and may commit suicide. They feel happy and calm. Page 24 of Restful sleep. Intense happiness. Decreased pulse and increased muscle tone. Page 25 of Obesity and high blood pressure. Irritability, paranoia and auditory hearing hallucinations. Feeling cold all the time and a constant runny nose. Increased fertility.
Page 26 of Addict a person. Greatly increase heartbeat, muscle spasms and convulsions. Be followed by severe depression. Cause all of the above. Page 27 of It is often mixed with other dangerous substances.
It is addictive. It is natural. Page 28 of Can lead an ordinary life. Can learn to live with the problem. Has longer-lasting relationships.
Page 29 of A long-lasting high. Hair loss. Renewed interest in life. Feelings of paranoia, anger and nervousness. Page 30 of Severe depression. Increased awareness. Permanent hair loss. Flaky skin. Page 31 of Small fragments of glass or shiny blue-white rocks. Blue pills with cartoons on them. A white powder that looks like flour. A blue-green leafy plant. Page 32 of Speed, Crank, Tina and Ice. Rocks, Sugar, Charlie, Adam. Tab, Water, Bud, Dots. Page 33 of How many times does one need to use crystal meth before becoming addicted to it?
Between ten and twenty times. It takes three months of regular use to become addicted. One can become addicted to crystal meth from the very first use. Page 34 of Disturbed sleep, hyperactivity and hallucinations. Greater joy and increased trust in others. Asthma and digestion problems. Constant thirst. Page 35 of Fragile bones and muscle weakness. Headaches and increased appetite. Flu and allergies. Brain damage and collapsed heart and blood vessels. Page 36 of Loss of hair and tooth decay.
Heart beats slower and more regularly. Increase in muscle tone and strength. Loss of sense of smell, nausea and nosebleeds, as well as liver, lungs and kidney problems. Page 37 of It slows down. The heart beats irregularly and more rapidly.
It beats more regularly. Page 38 of Make it melt or dissolve. Make it swell. Cause damage to brain tissue. Shrink it. Page 39 of Death by heart attack or suffocation. A more acute sense of smell and sharper vision.
Increased appetite and relaxed muscles. Increased physical and mental energy. Page 40 of Improved muscle tone and strength. Weight gain and obesity. Reduced muscle tone and strength. Greater sense of balance. Page 41 of Orally by taking pills. Injected, snorted or smoked. Eaten in food. By prescription.
Page 42 of Makes a person think quicker. Makes a person more capable of solving problems. Makes a person think and react slowly. Makes people remember things they have forgotten. Page 43 of Aside from the dangers of the drug itself, what other risks are there from heroin use? Contracting HIV, hepatitis liver disease and other diseases from infected needles. Allergic reaction to the drug, including hives. Spreading a contracted disease to sexual partners or to newborns.
Both a and c. Page 44 of Increased mental agility. Flu and headaches. Spontaneous abortion in pregnant women. Cravings for sweets and salty foods.