The time duration in which one complete wave is produced is known as time period. Frequency is a parameter used to explain the oscillatory or vibratory motion like sound wave, lightwave, mechanical vibration etc. The relation between frequency and time period is given as:. The time period tells the minimum duration after which the wave motion is repeated. So, the reciprocal of the time period provides the number of repetitions occurring in a unit time i. The audible frequency range lies between 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
And it is determined by the source by which it is produced. The minimum distance between the two consecutive identical wave points is known as wavelength. As it specifies the distance thus its fundamental unit is meter. Consider the figure below:. So, one wavelength is the length between two consecutive crests or troughs or zero crossing in the phase similar to wave motion. Both of these concepts are very important in understanding fields such as wave mechanics, modern physics, quantum mechanics and electromagnetic field theory.
It is vital to have a clear understanding in these concepts in order to excel in such fields. In this article, we are going to discuss what frequency and wavelength are, their definitions, the similarities of wavelength and frequency and finally the difference between wavelength and frequency. Frequency is a concept discussed in periodic motions of objects.
To understand the concept of frequency, a proper understanding of periodic motions is required. A periodic motion can be considered as any motion that repeats itself in a fixed time period.
A planet revolving around the sun is a periodic motion. A satellite orbiting around the earth is a periodic motion; even the motion of a balance ball set is a periodic motion. For example, the honeybee relies on flowering plants for survival. Seeing in the ultraviolet light might prove especially helpful when locating flowers. Once a flower is found, the ultraviolet rays point to the center of the flower where the pollen and nectar are contained.
Similar arguments could be made for infrared detection in snakes as well as for the differences in audible ranges of the species described in this section.
Once again, one could make an evolutionary argument here. Given that the human voice falls in this middle range and the importance of communication among humans, one could argue that it is quite adaptive to have an audible range that centers on this particular type of stimulus. Skip to main content. Module 4: Sensation and Perception. Search for:. Waves and Wavelengths Learning Objectives By the end of this section, you will be able to: Describe important physical features of wave forms Show how physical properties of light waves are associated with perceptual experience Show how physical properties of sound waves are associated with perceptual experience.
Answers 1. Glossary amplitude height of a wave. Licenses and Attributions. CC licensed content, Shared previously. They differ in terms of their traits and characteristics.
This idea is made possible through the use of concepts such as intensity, speed, and velocity, as well as wave number, wavelength, and frequency. Although wavelength and frequency are connected, they are inversely proportionate.
The difference between wavelength and frequency is that the distance between two consecutive crests or troughs, or sound waves, is measured in wavelength. However, on the contrary, The number of times sound waves recur per unit of time is referred to as frequency. Moreover, wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional to each other.
This means, the higher the value of wavelength, the lesser the frequency and vice versa. When dealing with Wavelength, the unit of measurement utilised is the metre, which is also the international standard unit of measurement. The wavelength, or lambda, is calculated as the velocity or speed of light divided by the frequency. The wavelength of visible light is constant at nm to nm. The most significant quantity is distance, which is computed using wavelength.