Reflexive verbs are just one type of pronominal verb. See the main lesson on pronominal verbs for details on using reflexive verbs in different tenses and moods. This free website is created with love and a great deal of work. If you love it, please consider making a one-time or monthly donation. You must log in to post a comment. Lawless French » Grammar Lessons. Par exemple… Elle se regarde dans la glace.
I go to bed at midnight. I wake up at 6am. Similarly, in the sentence nous ne nous sommes pas assis , we add an s to assi because nous is plural and could be masculine or feminine depending on context. Thus, the direct object receives the action. She filed her nails. Did you rest well? We brushed our teeth. I went for a walk in the park. Did my mother call me?
When building complex sentences in French, it may become very confusing trying to put all the pieces together in just the right spot. Here are three things to keep in mind when crafting more complicated sentences with reflexive verbs:. She was not interested in the new movie. I know. A lot to remember! Honestly, the best and only way to master reflexive verbs is to practice, practice, practice.
Here are some specific places you can go to find good practice exercises :. Finally, simply exposing yourself to authentic French sources—news articles, literary excerpts, reading exercises, listening practice, music, etc.
Think about it. On the contrary, you know by experience. Having listened to and read the language for years, you have a subconscious understanding of English grammar, even though you may not be able to explain the rules in words, you know them for the most part, at least.
The same is true when learning a new language. What was a struggle on my first day of French class now comes like a Parisian breeze. Rachel Larsen is a lifelong francophile and freelance writer who dreams of living in France one day.
To learn more, visit her LinkedIn page. If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn French with real-world videos.
However, this isn't actually quite the whole story. In the following sections, we look at some other cases when reflexive verbs are used. Note that many grammars and in fact, most grammars written for French speakers use the term pronominal verbs to refer to what we have so far called reflexive verbs "pronominal" because they have an extra pronoun inserted. Then, reflexive verbs refer specifically to the usage with the -self meaning. The exact same form as a reflexive verb can also be used in French with the meaning of each other , one another.
So for example, ils s'aiment can be used to mean they love each other though strictly, if it made sense in the context, it could also still have the reflexive meaning of they love themselves. Similarly, whilst ils se lavent would usually be understood as they get washed , they have a wash , if it made sense in the context, this form could also mean they wash each other. Usually, it's clear from the choice of verb and from the context which meaning— reflexive or reciprocal— is intended.
In some cases, a form may be more ambiguous. For example, ils se regardent could a bit more feasibly mean either they look at themselves i. For example:.
Le fromage se met dans le frigo The cheese is generally put in the fridge i.