A workout with the precise number of sets and repetitions? A workout that tells the athlete exactly how much weight to use? The answer is "No". Basically, there is no perfect workout plan.
Of course the company behind the Insanity creation, the Beachbody Corporation, would beg to differ. With glowing testimonials and equally as impressive transformation stories, they claim it's, "Everything you need to get in the best shape of your life".
But research shows the use of the word, "Everything" might be a stretch. Here's why. On the Insanity website it's written, "Plyometrics for insane legs and glutes. Plyometric training can trace its origins back to the old Soviet Union during the Fifties. A time when the Soviet's athletic endeavours were considered by many to be at the cutting-edge of strength and conditioning. American coaches noticed that, prior to a competition, Soviet athletes were performing jumping-based drills.
This seemed odd and was completely different to traditional static stretching. This was thanks to pioneering strength coach, Dr. Yuri Verkhoshansky, and a training protocol he called the, "Depth Jump. Be sure to warm up and cool down before starting an Insanity workout. And always see a doctor before trying this type of intense exercise.
Metabolic conditioning is a type of workout that involves moderate intensity and high intensity exercises. The goal is to burn calories more…. Plyometric cardio circuits are suitable for people who want an intense, challenging workout that can be done in a short amount of time. Since they….
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HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, workouts involve short periods of intense exercise alternating with recovery periods. HIIT workouts can….
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Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. All About the Insanity Workout. With pre-planned workouts to follow every day at your own time, the Insanity program meets the needs of people working from home without access to the gym.
And the intensity of the workout is definitely appealing to people who want to up their level of fitness from the comfort of home. I appreciate how the Insanity program understands when and where to insert recovery stretches, water breaks and longer cool downs at the end. The stretches still worked the muscles while simultaneously offering relief to the body parts that needed it most.
There are a lot of intense workout programs that fail to give its participants the break they need, but Insanity is not one of them. Speaking of beginners, I would say that the Insanity program is not for beginners.
I think the risk for injury is just too high. Even as a fitness professional I could barely catch my breath at certain points, so starting with something a bit more low-key would be best. Check with your health care provider before attempting the program. She is a certified personal trainer, yoga and Pilates instructor and weight-loss coach for women. Join her complimentary health and weight-loss challenge , and follow her on Instagram for daily inspiration.
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