This strategy may be as simple as:. The SWOT analysis is great for developing an understanding of an organization or situation and decision-making for all sorts of situations in business, organizations and individuals. The SWOT analysis approach headings provide a good framework for reviewing strategy, position and direction of a company, product, project or person career.
Doing a SWOT analysis can be very simple. However, its strengths lie in the flexibility and experienced application of a swot analysis. Remember, the SWOT capture is only part of the picture. Things that are good now maintain them, build on them and use them as leverage Weaknesses. Things that are bad now, remedy, change or stop them. Things that are good for the future prioritize them, capture them, build on them and optimize Threats. A SWOT analysis is a process to identify where you are strong and vulnerable — where you should defend and attack.
The swot analysis can be performed on a product, a service, a company, or even an individual. Irrespective of whether you or your team are future planning for specific products, work, personal or any other area, the SWOT analysis process is the same.
However, it is an excellent tool for looking at the negative factors first to turn them into positive factors. Due to the collaborative nature of a swot analysis, your working group will need certain qualities to succeed:. If a SWOT analysis does not start with defining a desired end state or objective, it runs the risk of being an exercise for the sake of an exercise i. A SWOT analysis may should be incorporated into a strategic planning model. If a clear objective has been identified, SWOT analysis can help in the pursuit of that objective.
In this case, SWOT analysis are:. Decision-makers can then use the results from a SWOT analysis to determine whether the objective is attainable, given the resulting analysis and summary. If the objective is NOT attainable, a different objective must be selected and the process repeated. When the desired objective has been deemed attainable, the SWOTs are used as inputs to the creative generation of possible strategies by asking and answering each of the following four questions many times:.
Ideally, a cross-functional team or a task force representing a broad range of perspectives should carry out the SWOT analysis. For example, a SWOT team may include an accountant, a salesperson, an executive manager, operational staff and an engineer,.
The strengths and weaknesses analysis is an internal examination that focuses on your past performance, present strategy, resources and capabilities. It is based on an analysis of facts and assumptions about the company, including:. The opportunity and threat analysis is carried out by examining external factors in your domestic and export markets. This is usually broken down into environmental factors and competitors, including:. What could you improve? What should you avoid? What are people in your market likely to see as weaknesses?
Competitive advantages? Processes, systems, IT, communications? Cultural, attitudinal, behavioural? Management cover, succession? Where are the good opportunities facing you? What are the interesting trends you are aware of? Useful opportunities can come from such things as:. Is the defined objective attainable?
Since historical and trend data are not given, it is difficult to judge whether the business can be doubled as that would require an annual growth rate of 26 per cent per year. You know the situation. You are asked to undertake a simple SWOT review of a department. You are given a little time and are aware of certain factors which may or may not impact you. So as you can see, there is no right or wrong answer to any section, and it is down to your analysis of the situation. SWOT Analysis is more effective when undertaken as a team activity with people from varying backgrounds and experiences.
The very best application is when a task team or change team is assembled to undertake the data capture and analysis. A team approach will help to ensure a balanced approach and that one aspect is not emphasized inappropriately.
Many of our users have said this page was too long and could we break it up. Now we have separated off the ready to use templates from the examples and text. We hope you find this easier to navigate. For ease of use, our templates have now been moved to our page on SWOT analysis.
Templates go top -. Try our business diagnostic analysis tool for free NOW. Templates go to the top -. Follow the link to find out more. Because it mixes idea generation with evaluation, it is likely to reduce the range of strategies that are considered unless managed effectively. Several studies have looked at S W O T. These include Menon et al. The findings showed that the use of this framework harmed performance. While there are no real ways of knowing whether a given process is robust, to throw away such a simple and effective tool is a little premature.
Certainly, care needs to take into its use, and we have already seen that the more people involved in undertaking a diagnostic process, the more reliable it is likely to be. I would say continue to use the SWOT and being aware of its strengths and limitations. Remember, it is a tool and not a robust process at the end of the day. Evidence on the value of this 5 step process planning process, obtained from 28 validation studies summarized in Armstrong , showed that it led to improved corporate performance.
When undertaking a traditional strategic planning process, debating future direction, or assessing existing opportunities for the organization, a board or management team can rely on a SWOT analysis for help. It prohibits the organization from becoming too insular and functioning without proper feedback. For the following step — the analysis of insights provided by the models — however, there is no model. Management models are effective only if their users can realize connections and gaps and draw appropriate conclusions.
Other acronyms used in the strategic planning cycle include:. Your feedback and comments are welcome. You are free to use any of the SWOT tools on this page. However, if you wish to use this page on a website, please credit us and link, and keep all links intact. To revisit our SWOT analysis review.
Samples, templates,. Mike is a consultant and change agent specialising in developing skills in senior people to increase organizational performance. We also have a set of tools specifically added to draw SWOT analysis. You have explained SWOT exhaustively.
Before, I was not clear enough on its usefulness. Now I have appreciated it as being an important tool during project design process. Wszystko, co powinniscie wiedziec o analizie SWOT. This tool can be used in two ways: As a simple initiator to kick […].
Samples, templates, […]. By using this SWOT matrix it becomes an easy task to know the favorable and unfavorable factors. A SWOT analysis diagram is formed by a two-by-two grid. Each quadrant has an outline of the subject's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats SWOT.
Any business has strengths and weaknesses, but no organization exists in a vacuum--you must also analyze the opportunities and threats that abound in the marketplace. Our SWOT analysis tool keeps users informed about internal and external factors that affect their company's success. Lucidchart's SWOT tool utilizes a simple quadrant layout to quickly and efficiently chart and present key market findings.
A SWOT analysis is a simple way to discover positive and negative factors in any context. Creating a SWOT chart forces contributors to critically examine their circumstances and find out which obstacles must be overcome or minimized. A SWOT can also help determine steps that should be taken for short- and long-term success.
SWOT diagrams tend to be straightforward, but the process of filling them out may not be so simple. To get the most out of your chart, follow these helpful tips:. Be realistic about the current state of your organization or problem. Remember that SWOT analyses are meant to evaluate the present, not the past or the future. While the Opportunities quadrant lets you think about possibilities, be sure to ground every detail in fact. Maintain the same level of specificity throughout the diagram. SWOT charts should be straightforward, so resist the urge to add too much detail.
More information might be better suited to a report or presentation. Use a SWOT analysis as a guide, rather than a rulebook. SWOT analysis can be high-level or granular, and help the creator pinpoint both internal and external factors. It is vital to have a clear question in mind when performing a SWOT analysis. By making the inquiry more specific, you will unearth weaknesses in a plan, budget, project, or goal you might not have otherwise.
SWOT can be useful at the beginning of a project, or when your team has hit a roadblock. Expanding into a new market: Your business has found a large degree of success selling a product or service in your home country. Now you are looking to expand overseas. What strengths does this product bring to the table, and what drawbacks are there to this expansion? While the opportunities may look golden, the threats, in terms of new competitors or regulations, may not be obvious without in-depth scrutiny.
Threats to your business can pop up daily in a fast-paced digital world—are you prepared to manage competition?
Doing a SWOT analysis can organize your thoughts and make it more likely that you will succeed going forward.
Are you both on the same page about what opportunities there are in your market? Even romantic couplings can benefit from this process. Applying to college or graduate programs: While the typical college entrance essay paints a rosy picture of the applicant, knowing your own weaknesses is important for academic success.
A lower GPA could be boosted by excellent test scores, and fewer extracurricular activities can be explained by the need to support a family. Diagramming is quick and easy with Lucidchart. Start a free trial today to start creating and collaborating. Previously, corporate planning had not met with much success. Fortune companies needed a way to produce long-term planning that was executable and reasonable.
Humphrey and his research team proposed the SWOT model to bring accountability and objectivity to the planning process, and it has been popular ever since. Albert Humphrey advocated performing SWOT analysis on specific criteria, such as products, process, customers, distribution, finance, and administration. SWOT analysis has only grown in popularity since it was invented, as demonstrated by the Google Books Ngram search below.
Lucidchart is an online diagramming tool with several business and personal templates for SWOT diagrams. These are just a short selection and will differ from objective to objective and from organisation to organisation. The important point to take away is that the right question will help to produce a really valuable SWOT analysis.
As mentioned before, the above list is not comprehensive. You can also turn a threat into an opportunity or something that is a weakness today might be turned into a strength with some effort.
Professional Academy's Marketing Theories Explained is a video series that explains marketing models in more detail. If you're more of a visual learner, check out this short animated video that outlines how to use the SWOT analysis. If you want to learn more marketing theories and gain an industry recognised marketing qualification please download our prospectus for more information.
If you would like help referencing this blog, check out our Harvard Referencing Blog. Toggle navigation. Albert Humphrey was an American business and management consultant. What intellectual property do we own that can help us with this objective? What specific skills does the current workforce have that can contribute to this objective? What financial resources do we have for reaching this objective? What connections and alliances do we have? What is our bargaining power with both suppliers and intermediaries?