There are few requirements for participation. Head off to Port Jeuno for a Cutscene. Entering Port Jeuno with a character level 30 or above will trigger an event scene, after which players will receive their first mission offer along with a "traverser stone" key item required to journey to Abyssea.
After watching a cutscene you will be given the option to get a Traverser stone. Traverser Stones can be collected every 2 hours up to 3, and then 4 once certain requirements are met. These stones can be used all at once or at your discretion, each stone granting 30 minutes.
Once you have your stone the proceed to one of the the following zones. You will find a maw located in each zone next to the nations starter area. When your group is ready click the maw, and you will be teleported into the Abyssea zone. Once inside you will have 5 minutes to talk to the Conflux Surveyor to obtain visitant Status. Once Visitant status begins you will have 30 mins or more time available depending on how many stones you used.
If you have multiple stones but do not sue all of them at once, you must wait 1 hour before re-entering Abyssea. Each stone gives 30 minutes of time within the area, with a maximum of minutes. Only three stones can be used initially, for a total of 90 minutes.
It is possible to expand the number of stones you can carry to four stones, for a total of minutes. Note: You are allowed to exit your current zone and travel to another area and enter that zone under the same clock you started in the original zone.
There are Veridical Confluxes scattered across the zone and are used for easy transportation once you have payed have visited them and payed the fee they require to activate them in Cruor. After the adventurer rescues three Abyssea areas from the vile creatures that menace it, Joachim informs him that there is someone who wants to meet him at the stone circle in La Theine Plateau. This man turns out to be Gilgamesh from the Abyssean realm. As the pirate leader of Norg, he cannot visit a town without stirring up trouble and thus chose La Theine Plateau as a meeting place.
In the dire state that Abyssea is now in, he has become an officer for the resistance effort. He had been assigned by the "lil' mistress" to measure the adventurer's suitability in aiding Abyssea, a test he has passed with flying colors. Gilgamesh leaves and looks forward to their next meeting. Back in Port Jeuno, Joachim explains that the situation in Abyssea is still dire. Abyssean hordes continue to pour out from the crevices to attack the people.
He feels that the adventurer is their ray of hope. The first track is "Abyssea - Scarlet Skies, Shadowed Plains", which plays throughout Abyssea, and the second track is "Melodies Errant", which is the party battle theme in all Abyssea areas. Final Fantasy Wiki Explore. Old Sharlayan Thavnair Garlemald The moon. Characters Jobs Races. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Edit source History Talk 0. For more information regarding registration code purchases and registration, refer to the following page.
Downloadable software purchases After purchasing and installing a piece of downloadable software, you will need to link your registration code. Click on the "Add a service account" option. Input your registration code and then click "Next. Click on the service account you want to register the Expanded Service to or activate a subscription on. Confirm whether you have correctly selected the service account you want to register the Expanded Service to or activate a subscription on.
A new page will load when the process is complete and you will be able to play the Expanded Service once its installation has finished. After reading the information displayed, click "Next" to continue.