Where to find magic shrubs

By the time a strangler fig tree has rooted down into the ground and can survive independently, it has already strangled and killed its host. There are also plenty of plants with an appetite for meat. The venus flytrap can be triggered into clamping shut with a touch as light as a hair. Once its prey is trapped, the frantic movement of the insect will stimulate the inner lobes of the plant, bringing them closer together until they form a sort of stomach and begin the digestion process.

Digestion takes around 10 days, after which time the venus flytrap reopens for its next meal. It is a perennial, flowering plant that is known and mentioned in antiquity for its use in stopping blood flow from both violent wounds and nosebleeds.

Legends has it that Achilles always carried it with him into battle. Other indigenous group in North America, such as the Cherokee and the Ojibwe, used yarrow to reduce fevers, aid sleep, and cure headaches.

Its sap has captured the imagination of the ancient world and is still used today. The red sap has been used as dye, pottery glue, breath freshener, and lipstick.

It is also used to this day as a varnish for violins. Belladonna comes from the same nightshade family same as tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants but it has a much more sinister and mysterious reputation. Over time, it has been used in diverse ways: a surgery anesthetic; a poison used at the tip of arrows ; there are even examples of Italian women using Belladonna as eye drops to dilate their pupils, making them appear more attractive and seductive.

Spooky stuff, especially with halloween just around the corner. However you use it, you want to be careful with this magic plant as both the leaves and the foliage are extremely toxic when ingested.

Have any other favorite magic plants? Used PlantSnap to identify anything particularly strange? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Submit Comment. Photo: Discovery Networks. Anonymous on April 28, at pm. Submit a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Divided into 3 groups these lists, linked below, are maintained by a team of RHS staff and are reviewed annually. The variegated foliage is greyish green with fine white margins.

Young shoots are overflushed reddish-purple. Flowers in summer are in dense racemes of lavender-blue. All ratings refer to the UK growing conditions unless otherwise stated. Minimum temperature ranges in degrees C are shown in brackets. Veronica can be annuals, perennials or sub-shrubs with paired leaves and small flowers usually in terminal or axillary racemes or spikes.

Advertise here. Plant in moist but well-drained or well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Shelter from severe frost. Will tolerate some pollution. Propagate by semi-ripe cuttings. Clear out any dead or frost damaged stems or branches and lightly trim to shape in spring by cutting back to a bud. Remove spent flower heads to encourage a later flush of flowers. May be susceptible to aphids and tortrix moth. May be susceptible to downy mildew and leaf spot. At risk of infection from the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa subsp.

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