AD: I loved the bit with the Big Johnson meeting this season. Tell me: What goes on at a Big Johnson meeting? JS: They go over all of the perils and pitfalls to stepping and tripping on your own johnson. Turning some ladies off. All of the pitfalls they deal with. Credit score. Credit score is a big part of it. Laughs Believe it or not, it affects your credit score. All of those things.
Makes their legs tired. Zipper length. The length of all zippers. Just different things. The whole Big Johnson community comes out.
Or is LD his new family? No one talks to him anymore. The only one who talks to him is Auntie. Peanut and Baby Girl love him. She feels like Leon should have hopped in the car and rolled out with the family, but Leon said, look, I have a whole bag of Chinese food here.
I got a bed upstairs. I got my belongings. Nobody told me you guys were going to up and leave. Do you think he would? JS: I think Leon definitely would. See, Leon has your back if you got his back. All of the things you look for in a friend like that. Leon would definitely have your back.
Leon is a supporting character from season 6 through 8 , he appears in 15 episodes over this three seasons. He is introduced in the season six episode " The Anonymous Donor " and appears in the last 5 episodes of the season.
In season nine he becomes a main character and appears in every episode but "Never Wait for Seconds! Curb Your Enthusiasm Wiki Explore. Wiki Content. Explore Wikis Community Central. The only thing that happened was the day before [we started shooting] was the presidential election. We spent the first half-hour to an hour talking about it.
Aside from that, it felt like jumping back into it. See the most-read stories in Entertainment this hour ». They love this character so much. He's in the hospital, he Would you just say 'Get better and bring the ruckus to that Hey Johnny, get better, leave the hospital.
Bring the ruckus to that! Leon is a guy you would love to take with you to fight a parking ticket. He got your back if you got his back. I think they love that he's relatable. Everybody knows a guy like Leon. He don't got I think people love the Leon-isms because on some level, they make sense.
Someone asks you "Why'd you do that? The worse you look, the more of a hero you're gonna be to the lady. You know? A bunch of things had to happen for me to even be a part of that show. You would fit right in! All this happened within a month or two.
I signed with a new agent, my buddy passed away and I had to come to L. I said, while I'm in L. I'm gonna go visit my new agents.
And then the agent comes, says, "Hey man, I got an audition. How long are you in town?