What is the difference between pppoe and bridge mode

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Very nice post,Thanks for sharing. An important point after buying a modem or even before the purchase is to read evask. Thank you for sharing wonderful information. Cloud Managed Services. There are two ways to configure an ADSL modem for broadband connection.

PPPoE Mode. WIN XP systems have this feature inbuilt but for other operating systems you need to buy it from market. Both the modes can be used as per the requirement and application. Here enumerating the main differences. Advanced Search. Results 1 to 25 of Add Thread to del. So what is the difference in both WAN types?? In the simplest layman's terms: A bridge is - well just like a bridge in real life - a connection between two points separated by a crevice.

When you configure your router as a bridge, the connection is established from within your dialer application from Windows or Mac. The dialer application contacts the bridge, passes on the user-id and password in case of PPPoE and then requests a connection to the internet. Once the connection is established, you are on the internet. On the other hand when the router is configured as a PPPoE connection, the connection is established by the router itself.

As soon as the router is switched on, it contacts the ISP and establishes a connection immediately. As long as the router has power, the internet connection is always on; which is not the case with a standalone bridge. The router can be used as a bridge or PPPoE connector so long as you have wired connections. But when you wish to add a wireless router, then one of the routers must be configured as a bridge. In case of wireless router, it is better to have the BSNL router as a bridge.

It worked well when modem is configured on windows and changed the os to ubuntu and with sudo pppoeconf comand. What do you mean by only a few sites are opening? Doesmy modem supports it???? Multiple PCs can be connected.

PPPoE mode is more secured. For Torrents download, appropriate ports need to be forwarded. Bridge Mode In bridge mode user id and password to be entered in the dialer of computer. Only single PC can be connected. For torrents download port forwarding is not required. Less secured because all the ports are open need good firewall to avoid virus infection. Get the latest updates delivered to your inbox. Follow Us:. Sujith Link. HI can i use same thing without dialer? Manish Link. Pathak Link.

Rejoice Link. Srinivas Link. Mahesh Vyas Link. Response will be appreciated. Thanks Mahesh Vyas. Marichi Link. Sina Link. PPO or bridge and how to configure it. Aswin Divakar Link.


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