It includes three levels of intensity or prevention, primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. Screening is another system for identifying students at risk for poor learning outcomes. Progress monitoring is a system for monitoring student progress and the effectiveness of the supports provided to students.
Response to Intervention RtI is a multi-tiered early prevention and intervention system designed to improve outcomes for all students. The District has established procedures for identifying students with learning disabilities that use a research-based RtI process prior to, or as part of, an individual evaluation to determine whether a student has a learning disability.
An RtI framework is required for all students in grades kindergarten through grade 4 suspected of having a learning disability in the area of reading. RtI cannot be utilized as a strategy to delay or deny a timely initial evaluation of a student suspected of having a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA.
RtI is a multi-tiered early prevention and intervention system designed to improve outcomes for all students. Academic Intervention Services AIS are student support services, which supplement instruction provided in the general education setting, and are designed to assist students in meeting proficiency with the established learning standards.
AIS are intended to assist students who have not met or who are at risk of not meeting the designated performance levels on State assessments in English language arts grades , mathematics grades , social studies grade science grades , and English language development NYSESLAT K AIS are available to students with disabilities on the same basis as non-disabled students. AIS services may not replace special education services.
ELL students should have equal access to any services afforded to all students; however it is important to use multiple measures to determine whether or not an ELL student is in need of AIS.
By definition, ELL students do not perform at grade level until they begin to reach more advanced levels of English proficiency, and it is important to recognize if their needs are compensatory in need of intervention or developmental appropriate for their level of language development. It is not always appropriate to intervene when students are still developing language, and when AIS is deemed appropriate, those interventions must be grounded in English as Native Language ENL methodology.
The IT decides who will receive support by reviewing multiple data points that may include progress reports, major test results NYS assessments, Benchmark Assessment, common assessments, final exams , and teacher recommendations. Students may begin services in the fall based upon their performance from the previous school year. Additional students can be included based upon performance during the school year. Regular progress monitoring is required for all students receiving support.
When students demonstrate proficiency on grade level standards using multiple measures as evidence and reviewed by the IT, their parents are sent a letter informing them that their child has been recommended to exit, along with the reasons why the support will be discontinued.
If a student requires an increase or a decrease in support, the parents will also be notified in writing of the change and the reason for the change. Eligibility is based on individual student performance on district and state assessments in accordance with specific performance scores recommended by the New York State Education Department. Each student will receive services based on their performance on designated assessments and their individual assessment results.
The model integrates increasing intensities of instruction matched to the needs of each student. In this tier classroom interventions are implemented; the classroom teacher identifies struggling students and collects data which is then used to modify teaching strategies.
Interventions represent core instruction and universal access to core materials. Seventy-five to eighty percent of students should fall into this category. Tier I interventions include differentiated instructional strategies and support. Regular classroom assessments alert the teacher to deficiencies in student learning.
Students who display poor response to group instruction in Tier 1 should be moved into Tier 2, strategic instruction. Students who need more intensive help can get it in the second and third levels of RTI. A multi-tier system of supports MTSS is more comprehensive. It may include the three levels of RTI. But MTSS goes beyond just academics. It also covers social and emotional supports.
That means it can include behavior intervention plans. MTSS covers the adults at school, too. It includes things like professional development for teachers.